Saturday, April 30, 2011

When Freakazoids Attack DINOs, How to Vote?

I hate it when cowardly DINOs earn my vote by default because they are adamantly opposed by vicious motherfuckers I hate.

You'd think that in primaries at least, you could vote for the non-DINO Democratic candidate with a clear conscience. But no.

Media Czech:

The Kentucky Right to Life Association recently published their endorsements for the upcoming Kentucky primaries. KRLA is the group that explains on their website how having an abortion will give you breast cancer. That is, if it doesn't kill you. Either way, it's much more dangerous than actually giving birth. So they're all about scientifically accurate information and not dishonest scare tactics, thus any of the candidates would be proud to have their endorsement.

Like Democrat Steve Hamrick, running for State Treasurer. Yes, it appears that Hamrick and the KRLA have thrown a wrench into my "Anyone But Hollenbach" strategy. I called the good folks at KRLA today to ask how Hamrick filled out their survey, and they informed me that he gave the "pro-life" response on every question, and is "a very nice man". If you haven't checked out their survey, that means that Hamrick wants to criminalize abortion at the federal level, even in cases of rape and incest, is against the morning after pill, and lots of other repugnant stuff.

Now it's true that Hamrick is running for treasurer and fortunately would have zero say in any policy relating to abortion or birth control, but could you really cast a vote for someone like this? Or give him a stepping stone to a future higher office? No, I'll be skipping this race in May.

Of note is that not only did Todd Hollenbach not turn in responses, neither did KC Crosbie. Crosbie was actually the only Republican candidate on the ballot this year to not do so, neither did she turn in one to Frank Simon.


Also of note, there was only one candidate that received a "VOTE AGAINST THIS MAN" warning: Jack Conway.

Jack Conway (D) - MUST BE DEFEATED, no response to KRLA PAC survey or National Right to Life PAC survey; strong pro-abortion position, said on “Straight Talk” (August 24, 2001) with John Yarmuth that his position on abortion is like Bill Clinton’s. The Rothenburg Report (March 8, 2002) said “Conway aligns himself with the Clinton approach to abortion.” (Bill Clinton vetoed the ban on partial birth abortion twice and issued five pro-abortion executive orders immediately after taking office.) Speaking to students at Manual High School , Louisville (February 22, 2002) Con-way said he was “pro-choice” and added “All right, if you got up and shaved your face this morning, sit down and shut up, cause this is not your issue. That’s the way I feel about it.”
Meanwhile, Governor Cowardly and his sidekick, Mayor Corruption-for-Life, are cruising to re-nomination without opposition and with likely general-election opposition crashing and burning.

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