Thursday, April 7, 2011

Speak Up, Soak-the-Richers! You're Not Alone

Think your "tax-the-rich" sentiments put you in the fringe minority? You're in the overwhelming majority, and it's time to stop being silent.

From The Nation:

Meanwhile, a majority of Americans prefer cutting defense spending to reduce the deficit rather than stealing retirees’ funds or axing health programs. Another poll conducted by 60 Minutes and Vanity Fair shows that 61 percent of Americans want taxes for the wealthy increased as a first step to addressing the deficit. The next most popular strategy is cutting defense spending.

Major networks like CNN are adhering to the tradition of false equivalency where the “fringe players” (those opposing all cuts to the poor and those demanding a complete shutdown of the government in lieu of more cuts) are presented as having equal power in Washington. That simply isn’t true. While Congress is implementing deep, radical cuts to the budget—Democrats have already agreed to $10 billion in “reductions” in addition to having “identified” about $13 billion more—no one is seriously talking about cutting defense or taxing the wealthy despite the fact that a majority of Americans see that as a priority.
Read the whole thing.

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