Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Seems like peacetime to them .....

Of course Romney thinks it's peacetime. None of his five strapping, healthy sons is doing the fighting or risking jack shit for his country, so for Mittens it really is peacetime.

As it is for all the repugs. Not a single one of them under the age of 70 fought for this country or has an immediate family member fighting in Smirky/Darth's Wars to Compensate for Our Tiny Pathetic Excuses for a Penis.

Before we move on from this little flap, I was curious to see how (and whether) the media picked up on this. The DNC pushed the story yesterday afternoon, and Vote Vets released a rather scathing response.

Would it be enough to get political reporters' attention? Not really; major media outlets generally didn't care. If Google News and Nexis are accurate this morning, Reuters ran an article, but the AP ignored the story. Politico had a short piece, but the major dailies -- WaPo, NYT, WSJ, LAT, USAT -- didn't mention it in their print editions. I couldn't find any mentions in broadcast media at all.

I'm curious -- if an inexperienced Democratic candidate with no background in foreign policy or military affairs described a time of multiple wars as "peacetime," would he or she ever live it down? Or would it be seen as evidence that Dems lack credibility on international affairs?
Yes, they are Obama's wars now, and are likely to be so for quite some time. I don't think Obama needs to compensate for any physical, emotional or psychological shortcoming. I don't even think he's vulnerable to the "dems are anti-war cowards" canard.

But I do think he's a member in good standing of the East Coast elite, who hesitates to do anything that upsets his good friends on Wall Street and in the military-industrial complex.

And that makes him far more like Romney than I care to think about.

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