Sunday, April 17, 2011

Save Kentucky's Sandhill Cranes

(Photo by David L. Roemer)

James Bruggers at the Courier:

The first chance for the public to comment to state wildlife officials on their plan to allow hunting of sandhill cranes comes on May 6, at a commission wildlife committee meeting.

Yup — Oaks Day, the day before the Kentucky Derby. It’s about as close to an official holiday in Kentucky as it comes.

Look here for the regulatory process flow chart that state wildlife officials have created and you will find other opportunities.
Yes, there is an organization working to save Kentucky's Sandhill Cranes.

The Kentucky Coalition for Sandhill Cranes is working to maintain the current level of protection for Kentucky’s sandhill cranes. Speak out for sandhills, join KCFSC now!

The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) plans to allow hunting of sandhill cranes as early as 2011. The general public will have an opportunity to comment on the proposed hunting season at the May 2011 Commissioners meeting.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will also hold a public comment period in July 2011, but we believe the first hunting season on Kentucky’s sandhill cranes will – for all intents and purposes – be a “done deal” by then.

The Coalition feels that Kentuckians who oppose the new hunting season should have a real voice in the process – a chance to be heard while it can still make a difference and a chance to influence the outcome.

How can you help? Contact Commissioner Gassett and your district Commissioner NOW and voice your opposition to the proposed hunt!
Click here to sign the petition.

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