Thursday, April 14, 2011

Liberal, My Ass

If you're a man who sucks cock, you're gay. And if you're a Democrat who proposes cutting Social Security, you are a DINO, not a liberal.

Yep, the Catfood Commission's plan to kill Social Security in the name of reducing a deficit that is not affected at all by Social Security is still alive, and it's being promoted by none other than supposed liberal Senator Dick Durbin.

Digby quotes Politico:

Social Security reform and boosting government revenues are among the provisions that could be included in a deficit-reduction package being negotiated by a bipartisan group of senators.

The so-called “Gang of Six” is expected to unveil its proposals after the congressional Easter break, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, told reporters at a breakfast meeting hosted by Bloomberg News.

“If we can pull it off, we are the only bipartisan show in town. I think that means something,” he said.

The proposal would represent yet another option in a cacophonous debate over government spending and reducing the nation’s deficit that is just beginning in Washington.

The House on Friday is scheduled to begin debate on House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s proposal to trim more than $6 trillion over the next 10 years by revamping Medicare and Medicaid, slashing other entitlement programs, and cutting taxes.


Durbin wouldn’t disclose specific proposals in the Senate measure, but said it will borrow significantly from the report issued by the president’s bipartisan deficit reduction commission last year.
If the Democratic Party doesn't stand for protecting Social Security, it stands for nothing at all.

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