Saturday, April 16, 2011

Join "Tax Day Make Them Pay" Protests Monday

Putting off mailing your federal taxes until the last minute on Monday? Make it an EVENT by joining a Tax Day Make Them Pay protest in your town.

Here's just one of several in Kentucky:

On Tax Day, Lexington-Frankfort Area Residents To Protest Corporate Tax Dodger Chase Bank

After Gathering at the U. S. Post Office on Nandino Boulevard

Participants At "Make Them Pay" Event To Deliver Tax Bill To Chase Bank

On Monday, April 18, Tax Day, Lexington-Frankfort Area residents will protest at the
U. S. Post office across Nandino Boulevard from Chase Bank and urge Chase Bank to pay their fair share of taxes.

The event is part of a nationwide Tax Day campaign called "Make Them Pay." Events similar to the one in the Lexington-Frankfort Area are taking place all over the country targeting "The Deadbeat Dozen"—GE, Bank of America, Google, BP, Amazon, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Boeing, ExxonMobil, FedEx, Goldman Sachs, Chase—wealthy corporations that are doing everything in their power to avoid paying taxes in America.

"During these difficult economic times, when all Americans are being asked to sacrifice, it is simply wrong that Chase Bank is shirking their American duty to pay their taxes," said business owner Rikka Wallin. "We are protesting on Tax Day because corporate tax dodgers have a responsibility to our community and our nation to pay their fair share. We pay our taxes. Chase Bank should too."

Click here to find a Moveon Tax Day Make Them Pay event in your town.

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