Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Freakazoid License Plate Really All About the Money

Bad enough that the Commonwealth of Kentucky is confiscating my hard-earned tax dollars to produce an unconstitutionally religious license plate.

But at least they refrained from using it to actually fund freakazoid fraud.

From the Herald:

A Franklin Circuit Court judge ruled Tuesday that an anti-pornography group can not sponsor a specialty license plate with the motto “In God We Trust.”

Reclaim Our Culture Kentuckiana, a Louisville-based nonprofit, had petitioned the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet in 2008 to sponsor the “In God We Trust” license plate. The cabinet denied the petition, saying that ROCK promotes religion, making the organization ineligible to sponsor a license plate under state law.

In its application, ROCK said it was going to use money from the sales of the plate to raise awareness about harm caused by pornography and the sex industry.


In the ruling released Tuesday, Franklin Circuit Court Judge Phillip Shepherd said the cabinet followed state regulations when it denied the application for the specialty plate. Shepherd noted that other specialty license plates have a logo or indicate a cause which the driver supports.

“The phrase ‘In God We Trust’ does not indicate to anyone who views the plate that the holder of the specialty plate supports the goal of abolishing pornography and the sex industry in the Commonwealth,” Shepherd wrote.


In December, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet announced that the “In God We Trust” plates will be standard-issue, not specialty plates, selling for the same $21 fee that most Kentucky license plates cost. The plates became available in January.

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