Sunday, April 10, 2011

Farmer Divorce News Helps the GOP Ticket

First, kudos to Media Czech for beating everybody - including the MSM - on this story.

Rebecca Farmer, the wife KY Commissioner of Agriculture and current Lt. Governor candidate on the GOP ticket Richie Farmer, filed for divorce this Tuesday, April 5th, according to documents obtained by Barefoot and Progressive at the Franklin County Circuit Court Clerk's office.

The petitioner states in the filing that "the marriage between the Petitioner and the Respondent is irretrievably broken and there exists no reasonable prospect of reconciliation."
You bet there's lots, lots more to come - follow it here.

Secondly, the more revelations about sins committed by repugs, the more the freakazoids love them.

Maybe you have to be a born-again to really get this, but when the freakazoids say "hate the sin, love the sinner" they really mean it.

Saved is saved. Once you confess your sins and bring Jesus into your heart - preferably in front of a large congregation on Sunday morning - you are saved forever. No matter what sins you commit for the rest of your life, as long as you publicly express remorse, you are eternally forgiven and welcomed back into the fold.

This is what the parable of the Prodigal Son really means to modern freakazoids. The more you sin and repent, the more ecstatically you are welcomed back into the fold. Even if it's the same sin, over and over and over again. Repent publicly, and you are washed clean in the blood of the lamb.

This is how freakazoids can support, give money to and vote for the most corrupt, sinful repug candidates out there, while insisting that Democratic candidates who have led blameless, self-sacrificing lives embodying New Testament values are evil commie muslin terrists who must be destroyed.

It's about the appearance, not the substance.

Yes, it's a racket. The most successful racket ever invented.

The Williams-Farmer gubernatorial ticket just got quite a boost.

Cross-posted at They Gave Us A Republic ....

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