Monday, April 11, 2011

The Civil War You Didn't Learn About in School

I learned Civil War "history" not 50 miles from this site near Simpsonville, but heard not a word of this battle so close to home. Probably because it didn't fit into the "Gone With the Wind" version of the Civil War taught in Kentucky schools back then.

Now I know where I'll be picnicking on Memorial Day.

From the Courier:

When Mary L. Bailey's grandmother would take her to a Simpsonville cemetery to decorate their relatives' graves, the older woman would point out where a group of African-American soldiers in the Civil War were buried after being killed in a Confederate ambush.

On Sunday, Bailey, 80, returned to the site for a ceremony to dedicate a memorial to those solders, slain months after they turned from slaves into Union soldiers.
Read the whole thing.

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