Friday, March 4, 2011

Voting Fraudster Caught

Damn illegals and minorities, breaking the law to vote for Democrats ... oh, wait.

Secretary of State Charlie White, the top election official in Indianapolis, is facing seven felony counts, including voter fraud, perjury and theft, all connected to what a prosecutor said was an attempt to hold on to his seat on the town council even though he was living outside of his designated district.
Zandar comments:

There's stupid, and then there's this guy, figuring he could game the system he was in charge of to allegedly collect his town council salary on top of his Secretary of State salary and lie about it, figuring nobody would notice.

Meanwhile, the entire point of Indiana's Voter ID law that critics contend would disenfranchise poor and minority voters in Indiana was to stop a "flood of voter fraud". Seems the only voter fraud Indianans have to worry about are Republican Secretaries of State. Oh, and no, the Indiana Voter ID law didn't stop Charlie White at all, good old fashioned police work did. And of course, when White allegedly did it, it was because of his "chaotic living situation". Just one big mistake. Voter ID laws don't apply to Charlie White, see.

Because a Republican would never cheat the system, only Dirty F'ckin Hippies and Those People do that.

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