Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Voice of Freedom in Libya Silenced

This isn't a fucking video game.

Siun at Firedoglake:

Three weeks ago many of us listened to this voice, a sudden cry from inside Benghazi, calling out to the world with the message that Libyan rebels were fighting for their freedom. That voice was of Mohammed Nabbous and his livestreams became Libya Alhurra (Libya Freedom). Mo has been broadcasting from inside the city ever since, delivering updates, visiting and filming scenes of carnage and of rebellion, letting the world see what his city was experiencing with a courage and clarity that few journalists can claim.

Overnight he was out again, driving from one end of Benghazi to another as he tried to track down the source of major explosions heard in Benghazi and then reporting on an attack by Gadaffi forces.

I am sorry to inform you that Mohammed Nabbous, the founder of Libya AlHurra TV, was killed this morning while reporting on the attacks from the pro-Gaddafi forces. He touched the hearts of many with his bravery and indomnitable spirit. He will be dearly missed and leaves behind his young wife and unborn child…

Mo’s objective in founding Libya AlHurra was to help his countrymen by getting the word out about what is happening in Libya. Please honor this courageous man and help him realize his dream by using his footage in your broadcasts.
You can listen here to Mo explaining how and why in this interview with Democracy Now! correspondent Anjali Kamat on Feb. 26 while she was on assignment Benghazi.

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