Sunday, March 13, 2011

If I Believed in Magic ...

I still wouldn't pray for anything David "I can't get elected Governor without an illiterate roundball player on the ticket" Williams wants.

Senate President David Williams called Saturday for Kentuckians to pray that lawmakers reach a consensus this week after a fight over how to balance the state's financially troubled Medicaid program.

“I ask that you keep the members of the Kentucky state Senate in your prayers, and keep all the people in the General Assembly in your prayers, and, yes, keep our governor in your prayers,” Williams, R-Burkesville, one of three GOP gubernatorial candidates, told some 400 people at the 5th District Lincoln Day dinner in Corbin.

Williams' remarks come amid an acrimonious debate in Frankfort over how to shore up the state’s Medicaid program — a debate that has become politically charged amid this year’s gubernatorial campaign.
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