Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hypothetically, let's say Rep. Chip Cravaack (R-MN) is a goat-fucking child molester

Because given that he is a republican congress critter from the home ground of Michelle Crazy Eyes Bachman, Rep. Cravaack being a goat-fucking child molester is far more likely than the hypothetical he vomited up at Rep. Peter King's Let's Give Loyal American Muslims Good Reasons to Stop Helping Us Catch Real Terrorists hearings today.

Rep. Chip Cravaack (R-MN) continued on the theme that Reps. Peter King (R-NY) Frank Wolf (R-VA) started on earlier today at King's hearings on the "Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and that Community's Response" by attacking the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

But Cravaack upped the rhetorical ante a bit, referring to CAIR as "basically... a terrorist organization" and asking Los Angeles County Sheriff Leroy Baca -- hypothetically -- if he would continue to work with CAIR if he "knew that CAIR was a terrorist organization sponsored by Hamas."

"Let me answer this way," Baca said in response to the accusations, "if the FBI has something to charge CAIR with, bring those charges forward and try them in court and deal with it that way."

"There is a reality that in my culture as a police officer that you have facts and you have a crime, deal with it," said Baca, who was called as a witness by Democrats on the committee.

"We don't play around with criminals in my world," Baca said. "If CAIR is an organization that's a, quote, 'criminal organization,' prosecute them, hold them accountable, and bring them to trial."
Watch the anti-American moron here.

For a beautiful corrective, watch Rep. Keith Ellison's emotional testimony about a Muslim-American first responder who gave his life trying to save others on 9-11.


  1. Sounds like Baca let them have it but good.
    Chip sounds like a chip off the Bachmann block.

  2. I am still in shock that Cravack beat Oberstar. The guy is a trogolodyte moron, and I'm willing to bet he'll be a one-termer. I know his district, and I can assure you they won't stand for a Bachmann clone up there!
