Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Forget Nukes; Let's Drill for ... oops

Yeah, nobody could have predicted this. Nobody except, you know, everybody with a lick of sense.

Nicole Belle at Crooks and Liars:

While the media is busy assuring their audiences that we still need nuclear energy despite catastrophic accidents potential, environmentalists would like you to remember we still have issues in the Gulf of Mexico from another one of our short-sighted energy policies.

The Coast Guard is investigating reports of a potentially large oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico not far from the Deepwater Horizon site. According to a knowledgeable source, the slick was sighted by a helicopter pilot on Friday and is about 100 miles long. A fishing boat captain said he went through the slick yesterday and it was strong enough to make his eyes burn.

According to the Times Picayune, the Coast Guard has confirmed they are investigating a potentially large 100 mile slick about 30 miles offshore. They are going to a site near the Matterhorn well site about 20 miles north of the BP Deepwater Horizon site, according to the paper. The Matterhorn field includes includes a deepwater drilling platform owned by W&T Technology. It was acquired last year from TotalFinaElf E&P.
I'm sure that the GOP will insist that this has nothing to do with the Deepwater Horizon site and is strictly a coincidence. And of course, by no means should this force us to reassess the wisdom of deep water drilling. To which, you can be sure, the administration will shrug and acquiesce.

Because why should we worry about a fragile eco-system and search for alternative fuel sources (thereby adding jobs and strengthening the economy) when we can instead live in the back pocket of Big Oil?
As Blue Girl explained so clearly, there's no energy free lunch. Everything has a cost - environmental, safety, technological, investment. The key is making sure that cost is fully disclosed, accounted for and publicly accepted.

None of which is true of oil.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I heard on the National TV pseudo-news that the dark mass in the ocean was "SILT." Can you believe that? We are SO relieved. Yeah, right, silt. Please.

