Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Everyone Knows" the DCCC is Killing the Democratic Party

From Steve Benen, evidence that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is trying to exploit the attempt by House repugs to destroy the country with catastrophic budget cuts:

Indeed, here's a press release the DCCC sent out yesterday in a key North Carolina district: "Everyone knows that the government needs to cut spending, but Rep. Renee Ellmers and House Republicans voted to put North Carolina families at risk by dangerously slashing funding for port security and transit security. Instead of cutting their own office budgets, Ellmers voted to gut port and transit security by two-thirds which even the Republican Homeland Security Chairman says is dangerous."
Trying, and failing miserably.

"Everyone knows that the government needs to cut spending"? Are you fucking kidding me?

Everyone with a brain knows that the government needs to ramp up spending - immediately and massively - in order to prevent the economy from tanking - spectacularly and permanently.

The only people who say "the government needs to cut spending" are Koch-sucking repugs trying to destroy the economy in advance of the 2012 elections, and cowardly Blue Dogs so delusional they think jumping on that bandwagon will get them repug votes.

Here's how a press release attacking House repugs for their budget vote should read:

"Everyone knows the most important thing members of Congress need to do right now is create jobs. But instead of creating jobs, Rep. Brett Guthrie is killing 975,000 jobs and gutting the very programs that support a healthy economy."

Do NOT give a fucking dime to the DCCC. Ever. Instead, talk to your Democratic neighbors.

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