Saturday, March 26, 2011

Big Government Thugs Arrest GOP Candidate's Fundraisers

Somebody ask Rand Paul: Can you really call yourself a true Liberty-loving teabagger candidate unless your campaign contributors get arrested for drug dealing?

John Cheves at the Herald:

Phil Moffett, a Republican candidate for governor, is calling on Kentucky to “nullify” the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration while he accepts campaign support from the owners of a Lexington store that police say sold illegal drugs.

Campaign manager David Adams said Friday that Moffett has specific concerns about the DEA’s interference in state sovereignty, but he does not back drug legalization or condone drug crimes. The campaign stands by its supporters because it believes they did nothing wrong, Adams said.

Lexington police on Feb. 10 raided The Botany Bay at 932 Winchester Road and seized a variety of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, several thousand dollars in cash and two loaded guns, according to court records. Police arrested six people in connection with the raid, including store employees, who face pending felony and misdemeanor drug charges.

Police later charged store owners Ginny and Scott Saville, who were not present, with misdemeanor counts of trafficking in synthetic marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. They have pleaded not guilty and are scheduled to appear next month in Fayette District Court.

Ginny Saville helped organize a Dec. 7 fund-raiser for Moffett and, with her husband, donated $2,000 to him. A large Moffett campaign poster hung in the store’s window Friday. When the raid happened, she and her husband were with the Moffett campaign at the Conservative Action Political Conference in Washington, D.C., according to Adams.
Media Czech notes:

Adams says that he believes in their innocence and Moffett won't be returning the money. The Savilles were also big contributors and volunteers for Rand Paul.

To make matters even more "interesting", Saville says that the raid is all part of a political conspiracy out to get them:

“This was a political hit on my shop and it was done because I work for everyone’s liberty,” she wrote. “And I will continue this work, and I will continue to win the battles I can.”
Let's see Wisconsin, Ohio or Florida's supposedly libery-loving governors beat that.

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