Thursday, February 10, 2011

Will KY Repugs Let Crazy People Keep Buying Guns?

It's the state Senate, it's a rethuglican majority, its leader is running for governor - what do you think?

From the Herald:

A House committee on Wednesday approved a bill that would add some mentally ill Kentuckians to a national list of people who can’t buy guns.


On the gun bill, the committee without debate approved House Bill 308, which would require Kentucky to notify the FBI when a court commits people to a mental institution or otherwise finds them mentally incompetent. The FBI would add the names of those people to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, used by federally licensed gun dealers to screen their customers.

Federal law prohibits the sale of guns to anyone “adjudicated as a mental defective or who has been committed to a mental institution.” However, Kentucky is one of many states that does not notify the FBI when its courts make such decisions, said Rep. Bob Damron, D-Nicholasville, the bill’s sponsor.

Actually, the conservadem-dominated full House is likely to kill the bill itself, if only to prevent senate repugs from using it as a campaign issue.

The only real question is whether anyone in the General Assembly will have the balls to mention the name Michael Carneal.

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