Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why Are You Paying for Health Care for Rethugs Who Don't Want You To Have the Same?

All six republican members of Kentucky's Congressional delegation voted last month to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Representatives Ed Whitfield, Brett Guthrie, Geoff Davis and Hal Rogers, and Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul all voted to take away from you decent and affordable health care.

And on February 1, all six of them grabbed for themselves the decent, affordable health care they just voted to take away from you.

karoli at Crooks and Liars:

Today is a happy day for many GOP freshmen Congressmen. Why? Because as of today, their government-subsidized health care is in effect. And that health care plan is robust. For starters, no one can be excluded or penalized for pre-existing conditions, regardless of age. Dependents are covered up to age 26, whether they're students or not, and even if they have a pre-existing condition.

But wait, there's more:

Beginning today, a new Republican Member of Congress with high blood pressure, diabetes, or any chronic condition is immediately covered at the same premium cost as 8 million other federal employees. The same is true for his or her spouse and dependent children, regardless of age, gender or prior illness.

So, no pre-existing conditions, no rate hikes, and best of all, the government pays about $700/month for each enrollee. Isn't that nice of them? Let it sink in: Taxpayers are paying $700 per month for Congressmen like Darrell Issa, and Virginia Foxx to have access to quality health care while they go about the business of repealing it through the courts and Congress for the rest of us.

In the this-is-no-surprise category, we have current polls which say a majority of Americans think those who seek to repeal the Affordable Care Act should decline their own government-subsidized health insurance.

Most Americans think incoming Congressmen who campaigned against the health care bill should put their money where their mouth is and decline government provided health care now that they're in office. Only 33% think they should accept the health care they get for being a member of Congress while 53% think they should decline it and 15% have no opinion.

Do you have the gold-plated health insurance plan members of Congress enjoy? Can you afford to pay $700 per month for your anti-ACA repug representative to enjoy the health coverage he/she just tried to deny you?

Call and email your members of Congress to tell them exactly what you think about them making you pay for their health care while they are trying to take yours away.

Have you talked to your Democratic neighbors today?

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