Sunday, February 13, 2011

They're the Rule, Not the Exception

Funny how so many intolerant bullies get drawn to the same line of work.

Bon The Geek:

One of my very first articles was about a woman whose five-year-old son wanted to dress up as Daphne from Scooby Doo. The mother allowed it, and some moms at school said unkind things about his choice of costume, and her parenting skills. In a well-written response, the mother very eloquently calls them on it and a viral blog post was born.

I go through and follow up on topics from time to time, and I was surprised to see that her blog post has led to the mother being bullied by her pastor, who gave her an ultimatum that included an apology to those mothers she so offended, and the pastor included a helpful draft in case she needed help saying she was sorry. The pastor claimed she broke the 8th Commandment and bore false witness. She was told she couldn't transfer to another church and be considered "in good standing" if she did not apologize and meet the terms of the agreement he was proposing.

And again I say to you that bullying is not okay, even if you wrap it in a bow and call it ‘spiritual care.’

Congrats to this woman, for having common sense and the ability to write about it in a way that is respectful and thoughtful. I wish her luck in fighting The Stupid.

It's very good to see this woman standing up to the ubiquitous bullying of the xian priesthood.

I just wish someone would introduce her to some of the many secular organizations that offer community and support without the ridiculous badgering of the freakazoids.

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