Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rand Paul Lays Giant Teabagger Egg

Little Ayn junior is finding out just how little the Senate cares about the teabagging morons.

Manifesto Joe explains:

I hate to break it to all you Tea Partiers out there, but even after the results of the demagogued 2010 midterm elections, the Tea Party isn't doodley-squat in Washington.

In the Senate, it appears to be some kind of crude joke. The Chicago Tribune reported that "The first meeting of the Senate Tea Party Caucus on Thursday (last week) attracted just four senators willing to describe themselves as members."

Newly minted Rethuglican senators, including Marco Rubio of Florida and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, passed on the meeting.

Predictably, the first meeting of this "caucus" was organized by Rand Paul of Kentucky. He persuaded three other senators to attend.

Read the whole thing.

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