Friday, February 18, 2011

Protest Is A Thing That Gives Us Meaning

I honestly don't know which inspires me more - the protesters for freedom in Yemen, Libya, Iraq, even Djibouti, and now enduring live fire from the Army in Bahrain - or the proud Union Members demanding their rights from the corporatist rethuglicans in Wisconsin.

But this video says a lot with almost no words at all.

Internalize what Kevin Drum writes:

Nor is what's happening in Wisconsin merely hard bargaining during tough economic times. That would be understandable. Rather, it's an effort to destroy one of the few institutions left that fights relentlessly for the economic interests of the middle class. That's why conservatives oppose unions of all kinds, both public and private, and regardless of their faults, that's why they deserve our support.

So if you can't get to Wisconsin, you can still help. Peter Rothberg in The Nation:

Then, pledge your support for the demonstrators by joining a virtual march. The signatures will be delivered to Democratic leaders in the target states. And if you're a Wisconsin voter you can sign this petition pledging to support a recall of any and all State Senators supporting Walker's bill.

This about much more than unions. This is about fair-paying middle class jobs and the America we want to live in.

Stay tuned.

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