Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A New Day in Egypt; A New Aljazeera Live Blog

As Day 16 of pro-democracy, anti-Mubarak protests begins, life is beginning to get back to normal in Cairo and other cities. The last days of protests passed with no opposition from pro-government protests, the despised secret police or the Army.

The Muslim Brotherhood and other opposition groups have agreed to negotiate with vice-president and former CIA asset Suleiman, but Mubarak remains in power.

Keep track here.

12:30am Omar Suleiman, Egypt's vice president, has said that Egypt currently lacks the necessary "culture of democracy" for the changes demanded by protesters.

The White House press secretary Robert Gibbs called his comments "particularly unhelpful".

12:05am Al Jazeera correspondent explains why Egyptian democracy will not come free of charge.

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