Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Day in Egypt; New Aljazeera Live Blog

Here it is for Thursday, Feb. 3. A reminder: Egypt's time zone is seven hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Standard Time.

12:45 am AJE Web producer, reporting from Tahrir Square says large caliber shots are being fired by the Egyptian army. It seems that they're "shooting in the air.'

12:15 am Mustafa Hussein, a physician working in a makeshift hospital set up near Tahrir Square, tells Al Jazeera that the square is "in less chaos" and that the hospital is flooded with calls offering supplies. He also said that many of the injuries he saw today were head injuries as a result of protesters being pelted by rocks.

12:10 am AJE Web producer, reporting from Tahrir Square, reports no police presence at this point, and says that the anti-government protesters outnumbered the pro-Mubarak supporters.

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