Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Media Czech Slays the Ark Park Dineysores

That wasn't even much of a challenge. Looks like the Flintstones Truthers are going down in the first round.

Ken Ham and the good folks at Answers in Genesis are in full out damage control mode. Getting caught red-handed discriminating against what they perceived to be a gay couple, they now realize that their chance to get a $40 million welfare hand out from the government to build a giant Dineysore Boat is now seriously in jeopardy.

And they didn't help their cause much by finally admitting to the AP (which was published everywhere) that despite their previous lies, they did have a policy that no gays were allowed in the Creation Museum:

Museum spokesman Mark Looy told The Kentucky Enquirer that the promotional material for the Date Night made it clear the event was for heterosexual couples only.

Of course, that itself is a lie (as I've already pointed out, there was no such disclaimer on their promotion), but at least they no longer are denying the fact that they do discriminate. Not against insane people that shoot folks in the head, but definitely gay people.

Which of course means that their $40 million government welfare handout is in serious jeopardy. As Gov. Steve Beshear previously stated:

Gov. Steve Beshear said Thursday that he will require the state’s contract with developers of a Noah’s Ark-based theme park in Northern Kentucky to prohibit the project from receiving state tax incentives if there is discrimination in hiring based on religion or other attributes.


“We’re going to require that anybody that we deal with is going to obey all of the laws on hiring and not discriminate on hiring,” Beshear said. “As a matter of fact, part of the language that will be in agreements … is that they are going to abide by the law in terms of hiring and that they agree not to discriminate, so we will certainly have the ability to deal with it if we find that it happens.”

Add to that the fact that their advertisements for Ark Encounter jobs already are requiring a Christian Purity Pledge, and I think you can pretty much put the nail in the coffin on their $40 million government welfare handout to build a giant boat and tell kids that a 600-year old man herded T-Rexes and Sauropods onto it a few thousand years ago.

Seeing their $40 million scam go up in smoke, it's no surprise that the con artists at Answers in Genesis are lashing out. An AiG flak was on hate radio merchant Bill Cunningham's show today, lying repeatedly (they make a good living off of that, so they know how to do it well by now) about what happened and, get this, calling me "intolerant" because I don't believe that gay people are going to hell, humans used to ride on saddled dinosaurs, and they should get $40 million in tax breaks to spread this.


Yes, Ken Ham tried really hard to be part of the Dependency Class, but it looks like the gig is up. I wish Ken Ham the best of luck building his Giant Dineysore Boat without the financial assistance of the government, but I'm not sure that he'll be able to. He definitely has proven his ability to con weak-minded people into believing that the Flintstones was a documentary and build a business model that takes advantage of kids' love of dinosaurs (and now dragons). Ham is a skilled grifter, I will concede that point. But can he pull off a $150 million scam? Prove me wrong Ken, Brandon and I would love to visit!

Follow MC's coverage of Ark Encounter here.

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