Friday, February 25, 2011

Kentucky House Dems Reject Abortion Bill

Our Waste of Oxygen "Democratic" Governor Steve Beshear may be setting new records for uselessness, and our rethuglican state senate is trying to win some kind of teabagger award for me-too-ing every Reichwing bill of insanity that comes down the pike, but our state house Democrats still know where to draw the line.

Despite pleas from House Republicans to let the issue be heard on the House floor, the House Health and Welfare Committee defeated a Senate bill that would require a woman to have a face-to-face consultation with a doctor before receiving an abortion.

Senate Bill 9, which would also require a woman to be presented with images from an ultrasound before receiving an abortion, has repeatedly passed the Republican-controlled Senate in recent years but has stalled in the Democratic-controlled House.

After a more than hourlong debate, with several Republican legislators speaking in favor of the bill, the committee voted 9 to 7 to defeat the bill.

Describing this bill as "require a woman to be presented with images from an ultrasound" is like describing beheading as a "close shave."

This bill requires women to suffer having a camera shoved up their vagina against their will. Among civilized people, this is known as "forcible rape."

Among freakazoid rethuglicans and their conservatard DINO minions, it's making sure those penis-less creatures pay the penalty for daring to act as if they were adult citizens capable of making their own decisions.

Media Czech:

The make up of the committee is 10-6 Democrats, which means that one Democrat voted for it. Jim Glenn from Owensboro voted for it last year, so I would assume he did so again, but I'm still waiting to see the official vote count.

But it was certainly nice of those 6 Republicans who want the government out of our private lives to vote for legislation getting in between women and their doctor.

UPDATE: From the comments we learn that Glenn actually voted against it, calling it a "tax on poor women". Excellent news.

UPDATE #2: The lone Democrat to vote for the bill was John Arnold of Henderson County. No turkee for him.

UPDATE #3: Addia Wuchner compared abortion the the Holocaust, saying that informed consent in America arises from the Nuremberg Trials. Video here (65 minutes mark).

Also, Rep. Housman voted for the bill because he wanted women to experience "pain" from viewing the ultrasound. At least he's honest about what this bill is all about.

So Kentucky is not South Dakota or Georgia or Kansas. Yet.

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