Monday, February 28, 2011

The EPA is more popular than Congress or the President

Not that the rethuglicans give a flying fuck about what actual Americans think about repug efforts to destroy the nation, but here's yet more proof that they are not doing "what Americans want."

Down With Tyranny:

Nancy Pelosi cited another nonpartisan poll that shows American are hugely in favor of the EPA's efforts to update air pollution efforts and opposed to Boehner's efforts to weaken clean air standards.

69 percent of Americans say they favor the EPA updating standards with stricter limits on air pollution. 26 percent oppose-- a 43 point difference.

68 percent believe Congress should NOT stop the EPA from updating these standards. 28 percent say Congress should stop the EPA-- a 39 point difference.

79 percent support stricter limits on the amount of Mercury that power plants and other industrial facilities can release. 18 percent oppose-- a 61 point difference.

77 percent favor stricter limits on the amount of smog that power plants, oil refineries and other industrial facilities can release. 21 percent oppose-- a 56 point difference.

77 percent favor stricter limits on the amount of carbon dioxide that power plants and other industrial facilities can release. 21 percent oppose-- a 56 point difference.
Have you talked to your Democratic neighbors today?

UPDATE: Also: Scientists didn't lie, Inhofe is a goat-fucking moron, and climate change is real.

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