Monday, February 28, 2011

Dolphin Babies Murdered by BP

Yes, murder is the word and of course BP did it.

Heather at Crooks and Liars:

Anyone else going to be shocked if this is not caused by the massive amount of oil and dispersants these poor animals have been exposed to? There has been almost a media blackout in any coverage of what's going on in the Gulf nationally.

More Dead Dolphin Babies Found along Gulf Coast:

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says the number of dead dolphins found since Jan. 1 in the area affected by last year's oil spill is now 67, with 35 of them premature or newborn calves.

NOAA regional spokeswoman Kim Amendola says five dead calves were reported Friday in Mississippi or Alabama.

Scientists are looking into whether any unusual deaths in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill area may be related to toxins from oil or dispersants. However, they're also investigating whether it could be related to the cold weather or a disease.
Watch the video here.

Dolphins. Baby dolphins. Dead baby dolphins.

Spread the word.

1 comment:

  1. All we are seeing about the Gulf these days are the BP Public Relations ads on TV. It is a media blackout. Any thinking individual is moving away from mianstream corporate media outlets, knowing they have vested interests that conflict with presenting the news. Great stuff.

