Sunday, February 6, 2011

Demand Abortion on Demand

Fuck "safe, legal and rare." Let's have abortions that are frequent, an act of patriotism and available in dirt-cheap pills sold over the counter.

For 38 years, liberals have been retreating from Roe v. Wade instead of using it as a first step to expand personal freedom and liberty.

We could have demanded massive government subsidies to research safe, cheap contraceptives and abortion-in-a-pill. We could have demanded explicit, age-appropriate sex education starting in kindergarten to ensure all our children hit puberty knowing exactly what to expect and how to protect themselves. We could have protected doctors from personal attacks and assassination.

Instead we got 24-week deadlines and waiting periods and parental approval and multiple appointments and prove-you-were-raped and slut-shaming and screaming mobs and every possible obstacle to make getting an abortion way more difficult than hijacking a jet and flying it into a building.

I'm sick and fucking tired of it.

Get this, you cowardly appeasing "pro-choicers:"

A fetus that is not capable of living outside the womb is not a voter. It is not a citizen. It is not a human being. It is not a potential anything. It is not a separate entity of any kind, shape or form. It is a dependent part of an actual human being. A fetus is no more independent of the body that carries it than a liver or a kidney or an appendix.

Not a "baby," not a "life," not anything that is any of your fucking business. As for federal funding, your precious tax dollars? Ban the use of tax dollars for killing actual living human beings in wars of - oh, how ironic - "choice," then we'll talk about tax dollars used for a medical procedure more common and less dangerous than an appendectomy.

None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business.

That could have been your negotiating position these last 38 years, "pro-choicers." You could have been uncompromising advocates of personal freedom and integrity for actual female human beings.

Instead, your puling surrender has us on the verge of a new Dark Ages of wire hangars and death by sepsis.

So to your Stupak on Steroids, your Hyde Amendment, your slut-shaming, women-killing legislative abominations, I say:

Abortion on Demand. Unrestricted Abortion on Demand. Unrestricted Abortion on Demand as entitled to Medicaid, VA, DoD and ACA dollars as an appedectomy.

In the immortal words of the bumper sticker: Don't Like Abortion? Don't Have One.

I am not "pro-choice." I am Pro Abortion.

Cross-posted at They Gave Us A Republic ....


  1. Also take it one step farther. Most abortions don't involve a fetus. It hasn't developed to that state yet. These are not semantics, forcing women to get ultra-sounds of something not big enough to be seen on the ultra-sound is as stupid a law as can be imagined.

  2. That is way fucked up. A heart is beating at 6 weeks. I am not saying to make abortion illegal, but one should damn well appreciate the miracle of LIFE & try not to have abortions be the norm. Abortion on demand? That is sick.
