Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Confederate Racist Observes Black History Month

The mouthbreathers are everywhere - even serving as tenured professors in state universities in Kentucky.

Page One Kentucky:

Former member of the Council for Postsecondary Education Mark Wattier is allegedly keeping racism alive and well at Murray State:

Mark Wattier, professor of political science, has been suspended without pay and benefits for this semester after allegedly making discriminating remarks “on the basis of race” last semester to black student Arlene Johnson, freshman from Sikeston, Mo.

According to Johnson, she arrived to Wattier’s POL 140 class three to five minutes early on Aug. 25 to find a film already playing. At the class’ end, Johnson approached Wattier with a question about the syllabus. Another black student, DeVaunte Martin, freshman from Maryland Heights, Mo., also approached the professor, asking why the film had been started before class.

According to case documents, Wattier explained his class begins 10 minutes early when films are shown. However, his syllabus does not cite that information. Wattier then responded, according to the documents, “I expect it out of you guys anyway.” When the students inquired further about this statement, he went on to say, “It is part of your heritage. The slaves never showed up on time to their owners and were lashed for it. I just don’t have the right to do that.”


Dial and University President Randy Dunn declined to comment on the personnel matter.


Wattier also declined comment, citing his appeal of the University’s action. However, he voluntarily supplied The News, via e-mail, with the name of the student who filed the complaint.

Click here to read the entire story.

From the same school where the Board of Regents attempted to censor the student newspaper. It’s a shame that this junk continues to happen in the 21st Century. While clearly not representative of the entirety of Murray State, it’s definitely deplorable.

Making Kentucky proud.

Jake made a good point in response to a commenter who called for Wattier to be fired: that firing every racist idiot is too easy.

I agree. Keep this guy on staff. But make him suffer. Make him give abject apologies individually to every non-white student on campus, and do so in front of the entire student body and as many members of the public who want to witness it. Make him wear a sign around his neck every day: "Ask me why I'm a low-life racist idiot."

Humiliate the fucker, and keep humiliating him. Make humiliating him Murray State's four-year-long comemmoration of the Civil War.

What Wattier did isn't funny. It isn't cute. It isn't "heritage."

It's appalling.

1 comment:

  1. "Humiliate the fucker, and keep humiliating him."

    That is far too sadistic for my liberal sensibilities. No thanks.
