Thursday, February 10, 2011

ACLU of KY Stands Up For Abortion Rights

I will be damned. Just when I start to wonder what use the ACLU of Kentucky is in a state where taxpayer-supported religious propaganda and intellectual child abuse go unchallenged by the supposed defenders of the Bill of Rights, the ACLU takes one of the most dangerously unpopular positions imaginable.

From an emailed Action Alert:

The Kentucky State Legislature has introduced several anti-choice measures that we must oppose for the sake of women’s health, privacy and autonomy over their own bodies. Next week on Thursday, February 17th, the House Health and Welfare Committee will hear three anti-choice bills. These measures are another attempt by the government to interfere with a woman’s ability to access an abortion.

Urge your representatives to oppose House Bills 215 and 243, and Senate Bill 9.

Send a clear message to the Kentucky Legislature that Kentuckians do not support any more abortion restrictions. Senate Bill 9 would force a woman to come to one of Kentucky’s two abortion clinics at least 24 hours prior to her procedure and force her to hear a description of the fetus regardless of her wishes. House Bill 215 would ban abortions after 20 weeks and House Bill 243 would not allow teens from outside of Kentucky to access a judicial bypass to receive abortion care.

These measures are some of the most aggressive attempts to erase access to abortion in the country.

Take action and make your voice heard!

ACLU of Kentucky

That doesn't mean the ACLU will follow through with actual legal action to make the mouthbreathers, freakazoids, teabaggers and conservadems in the General Assembly pay for their unconstitutional and inhumane legislation, but it's a sign of life.

This is also inspiring:

Youth Rally Day

Please join us in Frankfort at noon in the Capitol Rotunda on Tuesday, February 15th for our Youth Rally Day! We will hear from student activists and legislators about the importance of comprehensive sexuality education. Email Derek Selznick for more information.

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