Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Will of the Voters is Not What Repugs Want

It is perfectly legitimate - and beautifully American - to support something that the majority of your fellow Americans oppose.

I, for humble example, support banning from public employment of any kind - especially teaching - anyone who professes belief in an invisible sky wizard who grants wishes. Unfortunately, my supremely rational position remains in the minority. For now.

But it is not legitimate to falsely claim majority support for your minority position.

Like the congressional rethuglicans bragging they are following the "will of voters" by bankrupting the country to give massive tax cuts to the obscenely wealthy.

From The Hill:

Sixty-one percent of Americans said that increasing taxes to the wealthy should be the first step toward balancing the budget.

By contrast, 20 percent of respondents preferred cuts to defense spending as the first option, while four percent said that cutting Medicare would be the best way to start cutting the deficit. Three percent said they preferred cutting Social Security.

Down with Tyranny comments:

Americans who got carried away with the media hype around a Tea Party "movement" financed by a handful of avaricious and manipulative billionaires will be in for a big surprise as they watch the newly empowered-- by them-- GOP majority in the House further destroy the underpinnings of the middle class with reckless tax cuts for the wealthy and the whittling away of protections for working families. When Republicans and their media allies screech about Democrats learning the lessons of November, they create a narrative that flies in the face of any kind of objective reality.

Read the whole thing.

Of course, for conservatards, hypocrisy and IOKIYAR-ism are features, not bugs. They will commit any crime, destroy any institution, if it will annoy just one liberal.

Hey - that's the answer! All we have to do is persuade the conservatards that what liberals really want ... oh yeah: I keep forgetting that if liberals were capable of persuading conservatards of anything we wouldn't be in this mess right now.

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