Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We'll all be so proud when the next nut uses an unregistered automatic from a KY gun show

Are the Koch brothers offering a reward for the most dangerously ludicrous response to the assassination in Arizona? Because the Kentucky General Assembly just won it.

From the Herald:

Lawmakers are pushing three identical bills to exempt Kentucky-made guns and ammunition from federal background checks, dealer licenses and other national regulations if the items remain in the state.

The effort comes as a recent report shows Kentucky is one of the nation's biggest exporters of guns that cross state lines — legally or illegally — and end up at crime scenes in other states, often in cities with tight gun ownership restrictions.

Beat that, Texas!

At the same time, one lawmaker who opposes the proposed legislation is pointing to Saturday's mass shooting in Arizona, which left six dead and wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and many others, as evidence Kentucky's guns laws should be strengthened, not weakened.

"This is just an effort to pander to the National Rifle Association and the Tea Party movement, which is shameful given the attempted assassination of a congresswoman over the weekend," said Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, D-Louisville.

Hushup, Mary Lou! You're gonna make us lose gun-nut first place.

Read the whole thing.

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