Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stand Up to Boehner

Kentucky has fewer than 50 signers - and Lexington, Louisville's got you outnumbered by more than 5 to 1. Are you going to stand for that?

In remarks to the National Right to Life Committee Annual Convention in Pittsburgh, PA last June, Rep. John Boehner argued that "when "life takes a backseat to other priorities – personal comfort, economics – freedom is diminished."

Beyond this politicking, Boehner's anti-choice record is long. He has cast 142 votes on abortion and other reproductive-rights issues. All 142 were anti-choice, including:

Voting twice against the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Voting eight times against clinic protection for women and doctors.

Voting for the dangerous Stupak abortion-coverage ban in health reform.

Voting twice to deny federal funding of abortion care to survivors of rape and incest.

Now, after taking his oath of office as the new Speaker of the House, Boehner is the most powerful anti-choice politician in America, and is leading the effort to repeal the new health-care law and, eventually, eliminate abortion coverage for women.

In response, as this video makes powerfully clear, pro-choice Americans nationwide are taking another oath.

Click here to add your name and fill the map with pro-choicers standing up to Boehner.

1 comment:

  1. "when life takes a backseat to other priorities – personal comfort, economics – freedom is diminished."
    But he is trying to repeal the act that would make the cost of childbirth closer to the cost of abortion.
