Sunday, January 9, 2011

Prayers Won't Wipe the Stench Off This Shit

From an email sent by City of Winchester, KY staff on City of Winchester computers to an apparently statewide distribution:

Subject: Prayer Meeting Hosted by Mayor Burtner

Each year Mayor Burtner has arranged a prayer meeting near the beginning of the year to focus attention on the needs of our local elected leaders for the prayers of the people of the community. This year the prayer meeting will be at Emmanuel Episcopal Church and those leading in prayer will be several of our elected leaders themselves. The meeting will be on January 8, 2011 at 10 am and everyone is invited to come and be part of this time of encouraging our leadership to know that the church is behind them with prayer.

Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Saturday January 8, 2011
10 AM
Prayer for our local officers

Local officials in Winchester certainly are in dire need of assistance. I'd recommend starting with a basic introduction to the Establishment Clause.

As for the poor abused citizens of Winchester: instead of begging for magic tricks from an invisible sky wizard, they should start recruiting candidates from the reality-based community.

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