Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pants-Pissing Repug Mayor Terrified of a Movie

Keep doing this, repug cowards. And pay no attention to the laughter and finger-pointing.

Peter Rothenberg in The Nation:

In a blatant display of disregard for the First Amendment, Scott R. Kaupin, the Republican mayor of Enfield, Connecticut has forced that town's public library to cancel a showing of the Michael Moore film, Sicko, a 2007 documentary on healthcare reform. The film, a 2007 Oscar nominee for Best Documentary, was planned as part of the library's nonfiction series.

But, bowing to pressure from the Town Council and a mayoral threat to cut off funding for the library if the film were screened, the library reluctantly cancelled the program.

As Mayor Kaupin rather thuggishly told the Journal Inquirer, "“The sentiment by the Council majority is that it’s a poor choice and that they should definitely reconsider. And if they don’t reconsider, then they’re going to have the repercussions of the council." The Library's director Henry Dutcher told the paper that he could not think of any other occasion when the council intervened in the library’s programming and had a film pulled.

Councilwoman Cynthia Mangini, a Democrat, was the only council member to speak against the move, calling it censorship and a violation of First Amendment rights, likening the move to banning books.

I agree. The library has a long-standing process of selecting films for this series.

If the Council feels it necessary, it can ask that the series be extended to include other films; it can sponsor a public forum with critics of Obama's healthcare plan to discuss the issues; it can even stage a competing film festival drawn exclusively from whatever political perspective it wants. But forcing the doc's cancellation is in the worst tradition of American debate, discourse and democracy.

As the Connecticut Library Association argued in a letter of protest to Kaupin, "public libraries should be a pillar of our American democracy and that democracy depends on an informed citizenry. People should be able to go their public library to read or view a wide variety of books and films about controversial topics and then make up their minds. Censoring the choices that people have or silencing the opposition is an insult to our form of government. The public library is supposed to be a battle ground for ideas."

Yeah, tell me again about how the conservatards are all about liberty and freedom.


  1. Maybe I'm an antagonist bastard but I want to face these people head on. I'm at the point of retribution.
    When I confront the teafags I ask them how comfortable they would be if I had a gun. Better yet if they would in a room of people who were of color and had guns. I wonder how precious their second amendment would be then. Point being we need about 50 of us to bus around the country showing up at places like this. They had a shit fit over two black guys that looked scary.

  2. Apparently, the movie will be shown. This is an example of why Franklin said, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." Ben was not talking about a foreign enemy.

    I prefer, "Keep an eye on these low life bastards and pound the shit out of them when they raise their respective ugly heads." Cletis
