Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Obama Announces Emergency Confiscation of All Wealth Above $1 Million

No, of course he didn't. But he could have. He should have.

Blue Texan reminds us that rethuglicans use the SOTU to double-down on reich-wing insanity, even in the face of huge midterm losses.

Smirky's 2007 SOTU was a giant Fuck You to the nation that had just voted to reject his entire administration.

The least Obama could have given a nation that let dems keep the Senate was a reason to keep believing.

Instead, we got pabalum and pandering to the teabaggers.

Medical malpractice reform? Veto earmarks? Are you fucking kidding me?

This isn't bipartisanship; this is unconditional surrender.

From now on, every time somebody mentions Obama and "the center" in the same sentence, hit back hard with this:

"The only way Obama can move closer to the center is if he takes a giant leap to the left."

Full text here.

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