Monday, January 17, 2011

New Tactic in War on Addicts: Starve Their Children

In the spirit of President Obama's call for civility in political discourse, I'll just say this:

KY rethuglican oxygen-stealing excuse for a legislator Lonnie Napier is a vicious, mouth-breathing fucker and a disgrace to the human race.

That IS the polite version.

And infinite shame heaped on KY House Speaker Greg Stumbo, fake Democrat, for backing Napier's Stop Drug Addiction By Starving Addicts' Children proposal.

Jack Brammer in the Herald:

A state lawmaker wants random drug testing of adult Kentuckians who receive food stamps, Medicaid or other state assistance.

Those who fail the test would lose their benefits under House Bill 208, filed by Rep. Lonnie Napier, R-Lancaster.

Napier’s proposal has won the backing of powerful House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, but critics say it would stigmatize welfare recipients and possibly harm their innocent children.

“I’m not a hard-hearted guy,” said Napier. “I believe there is a need for public assistance for those who need it, but I understand some are using these funds to buy drugs.”

Napier said the goal “is to get people off drugs.”

No, you lying piece of shit. The goal is to eliminate public services to everyone who isn't rich.

If the goal were to "get people off drugs," this bill would include $100 million in new spending - plus the tax hike on the wealthy and corporations to pay for it - to create a massive drug treatment program for the tens of thousands of Kentuckians who want to get off drugs but can't because there are no treatment beds for them.

If the goal were to "get people off drugs," this bill would mandate random drug testing for every Kentucky taxpayer - no refund unless you prove you won't spend it on drugs.

If the goal were to "get people off drugs," this bill would propose a statewide single-payer health insurance program to ensure that everyone had access to affordable drug treatment.

I say Lonnie and Greg need a little reality immersion.

Let's seem them feed a family of four on $10 per person per week in food stamps.

Let's seem them fend off a landlord's goons throwing them into the street because the rent payment was late.

Let's seem them drag their cancer-ravaged bodies from doctor to doctor, seeking one who accepts Medicaid patients.

Let's see them prove they are sentient human beings.

1 comment:

  1. Why are you being so nice to napier? He's done nothing to warrant this kid gloves treatment.
