Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Day in Egypt; New Al Jazeera Live Blog

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12:23am The atmosphere in central Cairo remains chaotic, according to a tweet from one of the Al Jazeera correspondents in Cairo:

Tense in Tahrir Square tonight. Random gunfire nearby; some people in the square are blaming the army for it, verbally confronting soldiers.

12:14am President Mubarak tells his new prime minister, Ahmad Shafik to keep government subsidies and cut prices.

From Sunday, which is the beginning of the work week in Egypt:

11:54pm In an Open Letter to President Obama, a large group of well-reputed American academics calls for the US leader to demand swift change in Egypt:

For thirty years, our government has spent billions of dollars to help build and sustain the system the Egyptian people are now trying to dismantle. Tens if not hundreds of thousands of demonstrators in Egypt and around the world have spoken. We believe their message is bold and clear: Mubarak should resign from office and allow Egyptians to establish a new government free of his and his family’s influence. It is also clear to us that if you seek, as you said Friday 'political, social, and economic reforms that meet the aspirations of the Egyptian people,' your administration should publicly acknowledge those reforms will not be advanced by Mubarak or any of his adjutants.

1 comment:

  1. We're already trying to meddle.
    The stories are coming out of looters and such. So what. Remember Watts..
    More people are harmed on one friday night in Chicago then what's going on here. We are such a sanctimonious bunch of losers. Yeah the world is changing and not any of them want our "help".
