Saturday, January 29, 2011

Let's Get on the Right Side

The Congressional Conscience on the protests in Egypt is two-term Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison.

John Nichols in The Nation:

Ellison's deep and nuanced awareness of American history, and his regard for the best of the nation's ideals, has from the beginning of his congressional tenure served him and the country well -- but never so well as in recent days.

President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton have been at times embarrassingly cautious in the remarks regarding the Egyptian street protests that may yet topple Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak -- one of the more unsavory of the U.S. government's many unsavory clients -- while Vice President Biden has actually gone around claiming that Mubarak is not a dictator.

Congressional leaders on both sides of the partisan aisle have not been much better.

But Ellison -- who because of his "first Muslim in Congress" status is a better-known figure on the international stage than in the U.S. -- has emerged as an unblinking champion of best of America's historic ideals: democracy, self-determination and freedom.

His messages in official statements, interviews and Twitter have been consistent and clear. The message is summed up by a tweet the congressman sent : "Ppl of Egypt DESERVE freedom; I stand w/ them."


"The Middle East would be a much more powerful and dynamic place if there were less authoritarian regimes, and historically the U.S. has supported all of them,” argues Ellison. “We’re always on the side of 'stability' rather than justice. So let’s get on the right side this time.”


Thomas Jefferson -- whose last written statement declared his solidarity with the peoples of other countries who would "burst the chains under which monkish ignorance and superstition had persuaded them to bind themselves, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government" -- would be especially proud in this moment of Keith Ellison.

As are we.

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