Saturday, January 8, 2011

If This is How Repugs Define "Job-Killing," Let's Have a Lot More of It

I won't keep you in suspense: In 2010, the Obama/stimulus/health-care-reform economy added 1,100,000 jobs. That's more jobs than Smirky-Darth's Feed the Rich economy created in eight years.

Steven Benen:

All told, for the entirety of Bush's eight years in office, the net job gain was about 1 million. In 2010, and just 2010, the net job gain was about 1.1 million. What's more, 2010 wasn't an especially good year; on the contrary, the 1.1 million jobs created last year reflected a frustratingly weak employment market.

But it managed to top Bush's total anyway.

There's a larger significance to this, beyond marveling at the failures of the Bush/Cheney era, and that is the widely held belief in Republican circles that those Bush/Cheney policies worked.

Remember, for eight years, the Republican administration got the precise economic policies it wanted. From taxes to regulation, investment to trade, Bush was able to do exactly how he pleased -- and the results were a disaster.

This matters a great deal today, not only because we're still living with the consequences of spectacular Republican failures, but because GOP leaders are absolutely convinced that the country will benefit if we go back to Bush's economic policies. They've been explicit on this point, insisting the country needs to go back to the "exact same agenda" that's already been proven not to work.

In the midst of these larger debates, let's not forget how completely crazy this is.

Republicans: Still Lying. Still Stupid. Still Determined to Destroy the Nation.

Have you talked to your Democratic neighbors today?

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