Friday, December 3, 2010

Your Republican Congress Critter Voted to Raise Your Taxes

Yes, it did. Unless it's named Ron Paul, Walter Jones or John Duncan, it voted yesterday against extending the middle-class tax cuts.

It voted to raise your taxes.

Be sure to thank it. Thank it publicly. In the letters page of your local paper. And in your holiday letters and emails.

Here's the official roll call from the clerk of the House of Representatives. The motion was to extend tax cuts for the middle-class. A "No" vote is a vote to let those tax cuts expire, thus raising taxes on middle-class families. In the list of "No" votes, you will find every single repug member of the House, except for Paul, Jones and Duncan. Every other repug voted to raise your taxes.

Never forget.

All four Kentucky republican congress critters voted to raise taxes on middle-class families - everyone earning less than $250,000.

Brett Guthrie voted to raise your taxes.

Geoff Davis voted to raise your taxes.

Hal Rogers voted to raise your taxes.

Ed Whitfield voted to raise your taxes.

Proud Liberal Democrat John Yarmuth and Ridiculous Blue Dog Ben Chandler voted against raising your taxes.

Spread the word.

1 comment:

  1. The silence from the tea baggers is deafening. I can almost here a collective dohh as in a million Homer Simpson's.
    I guess they backed the wrong Horse ..
