Thursday, December 30, 2010

Just How Stupid Does Steve Beshear Think You Are?

Public Policy Polling shows Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear up 14 points in approval rating just 10 months before the voters decide whether to keep him or throw his ass to the fire-breathing dragons at the Flintstones Truther Park.

Kentucky Democrat Steve Beshear who's up next year is unusually popular at a 48/34 spread.

But that poll didn't specify that the Steve Beshear they were asking about is the same Steve Beshear who is writing proven, exposed lies like this:

Thank you for contacting me with your concerns about proposed "Ark Encounter" tourist attraction. I appreciate knowing your views.

Bringing new jobs to Kentucky is my top priority, and I believe this project will be beneficial to our future, providing an estimated 900 jobs and $250 million in annual revenue for the regional economy. The theme park is expected to draw 1.6 million visitors in the first year alone.

Media Czech girds his loins and attacks the lies:

Oh, you thought that being busted by Linda Blackford for having never seen or even requested the fraudulent "feasibility study" by Ken Ham's wingnut business partner would have made him stop citing those ridiculous numbers as the gospel truth? You thought that Steve Beshear had a shred of integrity left?

You thought wrong.

But it gets worse. Check out the next sentence:

I am excited to have another unique, family-friendly tourist attraction for the state.

Excited. Unique. Family-friendly. For the state.

I bet they used to say the same thing about witch burnings.

Beshear goes into the tourism act, and then drops this on us:

This project is an investment in the future of the Commonwealth and is sure to bring people from across the country to Kentucky.

"An investment in the future of the Commonwealth".


What do Steve Beshear and Ken Ham want the future of Kentucky to look like? Like a saddled triceratops hoof stomping on a human brain. Forever.

Are we really going to settle for this? I know Steve Beshear is, but are we?

Read the whole thing.

$37.5 million. For a freakazoid con game that will leave the Commonwealth poorer and stupider.

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