Saturday, December 18, 2010

"I'm a Fucking Moron" License Plates Available in January

Just call Kentucky the Bluegrass Republic of Gilead.

Subsidized by Kentucky taxpayers, in a blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution, the Kentucky constitution, and basic logic, reason and fact.

Lexington Herald:

Kentuckians will be able to buy "In God We Trust" license plates starting early next year, the state Transportation Cabinet said Friday.

The plates will be standard-issue, not specialty plates, selling for the same $21 fee that ordinary Kentucky license plates cost, cabinet spokesman Chuck Wolfe said.

The two designs are nearly identical, but instead of carrying the slogan "Unbridled Spirit," the new plate will read "In God We Trust."

Congress declared "In God We Trust" to be the national motto in 1956.

"The national motto belongs to everybody, and if people want it on their license plate, they shouldn't have to pay extra for it," Wolfe said.

Actually, they should have to pay double the $50 fee for speciality plates, to compensate the state for the massive drop in collective IQ points every time one of those plates appears.

Around Louisville, we've been seeing "In God We Trust" on Indiana license plates for several years. It's a kind of public service; when you see that plate, you know the driver cannot be trusted to follow basic traffic rules. Because he has declared to the world he thinks an invisible sky wizard will magically remove all obstacles from his path.

Therefore, it would be a public service for everyone who spots a vehicle sporting such a plate to report the plate number and vehicle description to the state police. Because obviously anyone who would put her trust in a Bronze Age myth is a clear and present danger to the public safety.


  1. Never seen a plate like that here in Oregon, but I can't help noticing how many of the rudest drivers have those Jesus fish things on their cars.

  2. Wow, love all of the tolerance and understanding being displayed here by the liberals that want it so badly, way to fuel hate!
