Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dean Broder Can Retire; His Centrism-At-All-Costs Legacy is Secure

Yes, your new Village propagandist is none other than WaPo enfant terrible Ezra "Tax Cuts Will Stimulate the Economy" Klein.

In the immortal words of D. Aristophanes at Sadly, No!:

So the White House and GOP leaders have worked out a deal to make sure they still get historically low taxes on their millions while the working people of this country struggle to make ends meet and all of us keep trundling along towards the cliffs of fiscal doom. Hooray!

But for all the efforts Obama is making to pretty himself up to be John Boehner and Mitch McConnell’s prison bitch, has anyone told the Dems in Congress about this ‘compromise’ on the Bush tax cuts? They’re the ones who’d have to sign off on this giveaway to the wealthy if it’s going to pass before the New Year. So tell your Congress critter not to go for it.

Meanwhile, Ezra discovers that shit sandwiches don’t taste nearly as bad as he thought!

Can a fat Fox contract be far behind?

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