Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Chronic Irresponsibility of Freakazoids

It's hilarious when freakazoids bleat about "personal responsibility," because they are the last creatures on earth to ever accept any.

Only the most recent example, from Rumproast:

This weekend, Buffalo Bills receiver Steve Johnson dropped a pass that would have resulted in a game-winning touchdown in overtime against the Steelers. He blamed God:

That’s kind of refreshing since athletes like to credit Jesus for wins; shouldn’t He get the blame for losses too? However, after getting raked over the coals all over Twitter, Johnson issued a clarification:

Johnson dropped that ball - and bounced another to the opposition for an interception - because instead of focusing on his own skills and ability to play well, he expected an invisible sky wizard to do the work for him.

This kind of abdication of personal responsibility is endemic among the freakazoids, and yet more proof that you cannot trust them with anything. They will either passively wait for their invisible sky wizard to fix it for them, or else falsely attribute success to that invisible sky wizard, thus denigrating their own abilities and those of teammates, not to mention the doctors, engineers, scientists and other experts who do all the real work.

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