Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Where We Go From Here: Part Seven


6. Strong majorities of Americans who may have voted for those crazies out of frustration, but who don't trust them to govern effectively.

And the hubristic fuckers in Congress aren't even pretending to try to earn that trust.

Steve Benen:

Let's make this plain: Republicans aren't trying to create jobs or improve the economy. If that happens, I'm sure they'd be pleased, but it's simply not on the list of priorities. When confronted with evidence that their cuts would hurt the middle class, weaken economic demand, and serve as an anti-stimulus in the midst of a weak recovery, GOP officials don't care about any of that, either.

The New York Times noted the other day that "many mainstream economists say such deep cuts could further strain the economy." That's obviously true. It's equally obvious that Republicans couldn't care less.

I think some Americans realize how ugly next year will be, but the scope of this fiasco won't really sink in until the crises begin.

Voters punished the Democratic majority because they were unsatisfied with the state of the economy, but they replaced it with a new House majority that seems painfully anxious to make things worse.

As we've talked about before, we have a certain luxury when it comes to our economic problems. Some societies don't know they have a problem; some know they have a problem but don't know how to fix it. We know we have a problem and we know how to fix it, but we have policymakers in Congress who refuse to even consider what's necessary.

We need to spend more to stimulate the economy, while fighting against deflation. The prevailing wisdom in Congress is that we need to spend less while fighting against inflation.

I want to be optimistic about the near future, and think we'll somehow muddle though, but the rise of reckless, radical Republicans is probably going to be worse than the country realizes.

Read the whole thing.

The rethuglicans aren't just out to destroy the country. They're not even trying to hide that their goal is to destroy the country. They're actually bragging about it.

This is another easy one. Talk this up. Tell everybody you meet about today's latest rethuglican move to destroy the country. All you have to do is open a newspaper or listen to the news for a couple of minutes. They'll be there every time, gas can in one hand and matches in the other.

Read Where We Go From Here Part One here. Part Two here. Part Three here. Part Four here. Part Five here. Part Six here.

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