Thursday, November 4, 2010

Where We Go From Here: Part One

Inventory Our Assets:

1. The White House and the Senate. Both diminished, neither as strong as we'd like, but both still in Democratic hands.

2. A far more liberal Democratic caucus in the House. Twenty-eight of the 54 conservadem Blue Dogs lost re-election. Only three of the 79 members of the Progressive Caucus lost re-election. Progressive Democrats now outnumber DINOs by a factor of three.

3. Blue-Dog-loving Democratic campaign committees exposed as worthless, money-wasting losers directly responsible for the biggest rethuglican victory in 72 years.

4. A shaken-up Democratic base suddenly faced with the consequences of its apathy and feeling guilty for not voting.

5. Sixty-five freshman rethuglicans in the House each on the record advocating the most extreme, racist, bigoted, homophobic, unconstitutional, anti-American, vicious, violent and dangerous positions ever articulated in an American political campaign.

6. Strong majorities of Americans who may have voted for those crazies out of frustration, but who don't trust them to govern effectively.

7. Strong majorities of Americans who hate secret corporate money in elections (even though they were influenced by the campaign ads that money bought.)

8. Facts, reality, history and justice.

Next: How to use those assets.

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