Thursday, November 11, 2010

Where We Go From Here: Part Eight


7. Strong majorities of Americans who hate secret corporate money in elections (even though they were influenced by the campaign ads that money bought.)

Nothing makes civil libertarians like me crazier than when rethuglicans defend unconstitutional police-state tactics with these attacks:

"What are you hiding?" "What are you ashamed of?" "If you haven't done anything wrong, you don't have anything to be afraid of."

But now, I am relishing the chance to use those same attacks against those same rethuglicans who are now trying to defend secret corporate/foreign donations to buy elections.

"Why won't you disclose your donors?" "Real American corporations wouldn't hide behind fake nonprofits - that means your donors must be foreign corporations." "If all your donations are from law-abiding, Real American corporations ... prove it."

Rethuglican obstruction may prevent Senate Democrats from passing the DISCLOSE act forcing Karl Rove and his fellow rethuglicans to reveal their secret corporate/foreign donors, but that is all the more reason to keep pushing the legislation.

Force rethuglicans to vote publicly in favor of corporations/foreigners secretly buying elections. Force them to do it over and over and over again. Accompany each vote with loud choruses of "What are you hiding? If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to be afraid of."

Shame the front groups like American Crossroads using secret corporate/foreign money to elect rethuglicans.

Shame the corporations making secret donations to elect rethuglicans. (Until all the corporations reveal their donations, assume every corporation is guilty.)

Shame the rethuglican candidates who got elected thanks to the secret corporate/foreign money.

For example: Ron Paul is the rethuglican Senator from China. American Crossroads spent millions on anti-Conway ads to elect Paul. Until Karl Rove releases his full donor list, we'll just assume that Paul is a fully-owned and -operated agent of the People's Republic of China.

On this Veterans Day, remember that America's 25 million living veterans did not sacrifice and fight in order to defend the right of obscenely wealthy corporations and foreigners to buy our elections.

Read Where We Go From Here Part One here. Part Two here. Part Three here. Part Four here. Part Five here. Part Six here. Part Seven here.

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