Saturday, November 6, 2010

Teabaggers Care About One Thing Only - And It's NOT Spending

I love Matt Taibbi - he's the journalist I always wanted to be. He is the antidote to the Village's cowardly bullshit.

But Thursday night on Countdown, his inner idealist got the better of him.

No, Matt, the teabaggers don't give a single flying fuck about the rethuglicans they elected continuing their deficit-exploding ways. All the teabaggers care about is getting That Ni**er Out of the White House.

If you gave the teabaggers the choice between:

A) balancing the budget and eliminating the debt completely in 2011, at the price of Barack Obama's reelection, and

B) forcing Obama out of office in January 2011, at the price of a $10 quadrillion deficit that forces their grandchildren to sell themselves into debt slavery,

do you really think they'd hesitate for a heartbeat?

The only spending they want cut is any and all tax dollars that go to non-white, non-Xian, non-straight non-rethuglicans.

But they'll let even illegal aliens get welfare if it means a public tar-and-feathering then hanging of That Ni**er In The White House.

Democrats will never defeat rethuglicans until we completely internalize that fundamental truth.

Cross-posted at They Gave Us A Republic.

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