Sunday, November 28, 2010

Slimy Lying Coward Chandler Tells Slimy Cowardly Lies

No, of course I'm not surprised. Wire Hanger has been beneath contempt for years. But for the sake of the Real Democrat I sincerely hope will step forward to primary his worthless Blue Dog ass in 2012, let's take a look at bennyboy's latest whining excuses.

From the Herald:

U.S. Rep. Ben Chandler said last week he partially blames the Obama administration and U.S. House leadership for Democrats' election losses and his extremely narrow re-election.

"If not there, where else does the responsibility lie?" said Chandler, D-Versailles, who had endorsed Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential election. "You're talking about the loss of 60 or something seats held by capable public servants. There had to be something going on at a level above them. If that isn't the lesson, I don't know what is."

Somebody tell Wire Hangar that the 83,952 fewer votes he got in 2010 than in 2008 were the Democratic and liberal voters he fucked over with his votes to outlaw abortion and deny affordable health care to thousands of Kentuckians.

That's right, Wire Hangar: they sat home and cheered every sweaty minute you spent nearly losing to Ernie Fletcher mini-me Andy Barr. (No, they didn't vote republican - Barr got only 8,000 votes more than your republican opponent got in 2008.)

Those 649 votes by which you "won" this time? Those were the only Democratic voters in the Sixth District who love Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi more than they despise you.

Obama and Pelosi's accomplishments in the past two years saved your worthless DINO hide.

And naturally you're going to show your gratitude by planting your lips on Boehner's limp dick and sucking non-stop for the next two years.

You'd be better off just switching parties now, you loser. Progressives outnumber Blue Dogs in the new Congress three to one. You'll be lucky if Pelosi lets you sit on the pooper-scooper oversight subcommittee.

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